Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Big data analytics with Starburst
Secure from Code to Cloud
MITRE ATT&CK (tactics, techniques, matrix, IDs)
Prisma Cloud in 60s
Changed focus – The world of…
Horizon – Brokering
Horizon Golden Master – Best practice
Horizon Cloud on Azure
Horizon Cloud on Azure – How to start with subscription

App Volumes – Prepare provisioning machine / VM

If you use the VMware App Volumes for your application packing and deployment, then it´s very important to prepare the packing machine for the applications, the App Stacks in the right way. Very important things here are OS updates, installed applications and


App Volumes – Microsoft restriction an example

Recently I was involved in a project for best practices regarding VMware App Volumes and how to virtualize applications and handle it. Well, App Volumes is a great solution if it comes to customizing a stateless virtual desktop system like Windows 10.