
Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 9 (Integration of Microsoft Azure and Office 365 in Okta)

Integration of Microsoft Azure AD and Office 365 in Okta As next we integrate Microsoft Azure AD into Okta that we can provision users from Okta to Azure AD as well. In that case we can use two scenarios of integration, Password


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 8 (Integration of Microsoft Azure in Workspace ONE)

Integration of Microsoft Azure AD as Directory Services in Workspace ONE UEM In case you want to integrate a Directory Service in Workspace ONE UEM for instance Microsoft Azure AD you can do this as follows. Log into Workspace ONE UEM Groups


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 7 (Workspace ONE as 3rd party iDP)

Integration of Workspace ONE Access as 3rd party SAML iDP in Okta We can integrate Workspace ONE Access as 3rd party SAML iDP in Okta. That is necessary for the Device Trust Use Case for instance with iOS and Android mobile devices.


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 6 (User provisioning Workspace ONE UEM)

In case you want to use Enterprise Mobility Management or Modern management for your devices as well and additionally use the configuration as described before to let the users authenticate against Okta first before they can log into the Workspace ONE platform,


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 5 (SAML authentication Workspace ONE)

SAML authentication from Workspace ONE Access to Workspace ONE UEM You can provide the user the Workspace ONE UEM (AirWatch) Self-Service-Portal (SSP) as an application in the catalog in the user portal of Workspace ONE Access. In that case the users can


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 4 (Okta as 3rd party iDP)

Integrate Okta as 3rd party (SAML) iDP in Workspace ONE Access Log into your Okta tenant Tab Applications Click Applications Choose your Workspace ONE application Click Sign On tab Click View Setup Instructions You will find a really good overview of how


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 3 (Okta configuration – Workspace ONE user provisioning)

How to configure Okta For the full integration we have to do some work on the Okta side as well. First of all, we have to integrate Workspace ONE as an application which will be used for SCIM provisioning but as well


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 2 (Okta Integration)

Integration of Okta To integrate Okta in the environment as the leading iDP and to provisioning user and groups from Okta to Workspace ONE, we have to do some preparation. We need a directory of type custom which we will create with


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud – Part 1 (Workspace ONE configuration)

How to configure Workspace ONE If we want to use Unified Endpoint Management with Identity and Access Management, we have to configure first the connection between both parts of Workspace ONE. That means to configure Workspace ONE UEM and Workspace ONE Access.


Modern Workplace and Management with the efficiency of pure Cloud (Overview)

Today after a lot of work, I want to share with you folks a pretty good experience I´ve made with the implementation of a modern management approach, a real cloud based management and device enrolment. No on-premise infrastructure and the agility of