Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Big data analytics with Starburst
Secure from Code to Cloud
MITRE ATT&CK (tactics, techniques, matrix, IDs)
Prisma Cloud in 60s
Changed focus – The world of…
Horizon – Brokering
Horizon Golden Master – Best practice
Horizon Cloud on Azure
Horizon Cloud on Azure – How to start with subscription

MITRE ATT&CK (tactics, techniques, matrix, IDs)

You ever wants to know which tactics Prisma Cloud covers and which techniques which leading to this tactics will be detected by Prisma Cloud? Here you go. In Prisma Cloud Compute we have the ATT&CK Explorer (Prisma Cloud Console – Compute –


Changed focus – The world of…

DevSecOps 🙂 As you recognized for sure, I didn´t post any news, article etc. in the last couple of month. The reason for that is after many years in the Virtualization, Infrastructure and Cloud space, I changed my focus. But what will