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Big data analytics with Starburst
Secure from Code to Cloud
MITRE ATT&CK (tactics, techniques, matrix, IDs)
Prisma Cloud in 60s
Changed focus – The world of…
Horizon – Brokering
Horizon Golden Master – Best practice
Horizon Cloud on Azure
Horizon Cloud on Azure – How to start with subscription

Workspace ONE UEM – Secure Channel handshake to fail

Today I want to share with you an important article regarding a Microsoft Update which can cause issues in your Workspace ONE UEM environment. All use cases which requires Secure Channel handshake is failing, that is independent from the device you´re using.


Take advantage of new Workspace ONE UEM console in older version

If you use an older version of the Workspace ONE UEM Console which maybe don’t have the same features like your newer one, there is a little trick to take advantage of some features in the older Version as well. First of