Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Big data analytics with Starburst
Secure from Code to Cloud
MITRE ATT&CK (tactics, techniques, matrix, IDs)
Prisma Cloud in 60s
Changed focus – The world of…
Horizon – Brokering
Horizon Golden Master – Best practice
Horizon Cloud on Azure
Horizon Cloud on Azure – How to start with subscription

App Volumes – Microsoft restriction an example

Recently I was involved in a project for best practices regarding VMware App Volumes and how to virtualize applications and handle it. Well, App Volumes is a great solution if it comes to customizing a stateless virtual desktop system like Windows 10.


Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM) – IE trusted sites

You ever wants to set websites in Microsoft Internet Explorer as default through your whole environment? Sure, that is one of the use cases of VMware´s Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM). But what if you use the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration? In


Windows 10 Startmenu customization

If you have Windows 10 Operating System (OS) in your Business / Company and want to set a default Startmenu Layout for the Devices, there is a simple way to do it. Another use case could be that you have had a