If you have Windows 10 Operating System (OS) in your Business / Company and want to set a default Startmenu Layout for the Devices, there is a simple way to do it. Another use case could be that you have had a customised Layout on your Devices and want to make sure that this will be in place on the new Devices as well.
You can make use of the Microsoft PowerShell command:
Export-StartLayout -path “path for export”
This PowerShell command will export the Startmenu Layout. It´s pretty amazing possibility if you have customised your Windows 10 Startmenu and want to deploy it as a default to a bunch of Devices via personalization profile or Custom XML with your MDM System. It should a Device profile.
In the exported XML file you find all tiles, there exact position and sizes.
Keep in mind, if you apply this created profile to a Windows 10 Device, some parts will immediately applied but some need a logout / Login from the User to finish.